June 23, 2010

More homework!

Tomorrow is my very last Typography class.  It has been interesting.  I am not really sure just how much I have learned, but that does tend to be the way that art classes work.  I feel like I don't learn anything and then all of a sudden, a year later I am doing something that I could never have done without it and boom - lookie what I learned.
Honestly though, the cirriculum isn't thrilling, the assignments are kinda interesting....but what I really love is when my prof starts to geek out on typography.  It makes me so excited to hear other people getting excited about the things that they love - and when its art....even better.  Geek on my friends.
This assignment was called "The Visual Quotation" - we had to take a quote and illustrate it using only type.  This is what I came up with.

Love and Kisses,


June 16, 2010

Typography Homework?

Well look at me go.  This might be rudimentary but I am currently going through the motions of taking a typography class and trying very hard not to panic at the mention of the word photoshop.  I am bound and determined to actually learn to produce my work digitally, hopefully I am not in over my head!
This first example is my typographic interpretation of "playful."  We had a few restrictions to the type of font that we used and we were not able to use the type to spell words etc. 

This next example is me using P and Q to indicate positive and negative space.



Pattern.  And Finally Tension

Mind your P's and Q's!
Love and Kisses

June 8, 2010

Field Notes

The first journals are up and out!  Visit my shop, let me know what you think.  I am open to any feedback you might have - and any special requests!
Visit me at turnofphrase.etsy.com for more of the Field Notes journals!
Love and Kisses,

June 7, 2010

Has it truly been so long?

We have had a tumultuous few weeks.  We added a pup to our family only to realize that he couldn't stay.  I printed journals, finished drawings, cleaned and cleaned, worked, slept, and really just set my targets and moved forward.  Sadly, this hasn't left much time for blog updates, or etsy updates....or really anything.  Tomorrow I am working from home and I fully intend to take some time to photograph my new line of journals (Field Notes) and get those badboys up on etsy.  However, I was finally able to finish up this little devil.  I think he looks pretty grand, but he really needs a name.  He has been going by Ramathorn (from Super Troopers) as a nickname, but I am looking for something a bit more.... whimsical.
With his very bestest friend - deer!  I mounted the two on my wall to see how they look together.  So far, I dig it.  I can really see this set of images coming together.  I think it will be a series of five works.  Perhaps it will grow beyond that, but time will tell.
That is all for now,

Love and Kisses,