This semester has been a bit of a struggle for me so far. I am not feeling as engaged or excited about being in the program as I was a mere month ago. But I am keeping my mind open and hoping that things turn around.
I have also been spending as much time as possible making sure to get my body moving! Yoga, fitness classes, you name it, I am trying it out. I even take my gym shoes with me everywhere - and I do feel better for it.
I have not really had any time to make art the last while. I am thinking that perhaps I should be spending some time on that this weekend - as I am needing to recharge!
In the mean time - this is that lovely jackelope that I was working on before - allllll done!
It will be heading to its home very soon, I finally got it all sprayed and everything - the eyes were glossed as well. I love it!
Time for me to go to sleep - I will post again hopefully this weekend!