June 14, 2012

Can it be the middle of June already??

Egads!  Does time ever fly when you are having fun (or are just insanely busy like I am right now.)  But, that is awesome and wonderful, and I am still finding lots of time to create.  I have been in a bit of a slump this past 2 weeks, trying to figure out where I am headed with my work - and I am finally starting to produce some things that I like again (hooray!!!)

One correction from last post - I have received some feedback saying that people think that I am now tracing my work.  This is not true!!  I do not ever trace, never ever ever.  I was just commenting on the level of accuracy that I always thought people had becuase I thought that they were drawing things by hand when they were actually tracing them.  So - please know....everything I draw, I draw without anything but my own two eyes, pencil and board.  I also am happy to have to make this correction because A) it means that people think that my work looks darn close to reality, which is kind of neat, and B) because people read this blog!  YAY!  Thank you!

Now for some quick images and such of what I have been up to....

I only just worked on this guy last night.  I will post pictures when the whole thing is done, but so far I am really really pleased with the results!  Soon it shall have a frame that I thrifted and look just lovely.  At least I think so.  Now for what to pair it with.....

 On top of everything going on, we are renovating!  This is a view into my bedroom where there once used to be a wall (and now there is a door.... well, a hole where a door is supposed to go.) We are going to redo our bathroom and moving the bedroom door was step one!  I will keep you posted on the progress.

These little kitty cats gave me no END of trouble.  I repainted and reworked them each like 5 times.  I think though, that I am quite happy with them.  Its something new and different - so why not!  They are created on reclaimed wood with gesso and acrylic.  What do you think???
 This little chippy is a new work that was completed when I went up to Invermere to drop off my work at the Pynelogs Gallery for the show that the pieces in my previous post were for!  I like him, he just needs to be sprayed and off he can go into the world.

 Makeup is art....right?  People keep asking me for how-to's.  Maybe I will post something on here one of these days.

 I have flowers growing at my house.  This is an impressive feat.  You should all be proud!  They are looking so pretty too!  Someone put that weird toy arm in the planter and I think its hilarious so I haven't moved it.
Finally....my sisters birthday gift was a cake.  This cake.  It took me 7 hours from start to finish, but she loved it!  It was a Mint Julep cake with Bourbon and Mint Icing.  The icing was done in something called a petal technique, super easy but hella time-consuming.  All in all, a worthwhile effort!

Thats all from me for now...more to come I am sure! 