April 24, 2011


Well, at long last, I have had a bit of time "off" to get caught up with a few things.  One was cleaning - and whoooo boy did the house ever need it.  The other was to assemble some lovely book cases that my mother-in-law picked up for us.  Ryan worked hard and got everything put together, I worked hard to organize everything.  It is amazing how just a few things on the wall or books in their shelves can really make a house feel like home. 

So this is the new feature in our bedroom, I will post pics of the living room when they are done as well.  I know that it is just a basic ikea bookshelf, but it feels so great to have some more of my things out of the boxes that were sitting on my landing and into their homes.

 I really think that it has helped to round out what was otherwise a glaringly huge empty wall with nothing but a dog kennel to occupy it.  I am really happy to have all my books out.  From the few times that we have moved, I have realized that the thing that I own the most of in this world is books.  That makes me feel pretty good.
Finally, a little closeup of some very lovely and important things!  The books are by Charles Van Sandwyk, who is an incredible illustrator.  I have been storing them until they could be put on display like this.  The white bird pieces were given to me by my sister-in-law, and the cameras were gifts from Ryan and my Father-in-Law, and one that I bought for myself.  Its a maroon Fed-5 and I swear, one of these days I will develop some of the many rolls of photos that I have taken on it.  The lovely crochet kitten is courtesy of Sheila and Greg (as is the blue kitty) and the little kitten mug is from my good pal Aaron.  I also have a little ornament which is of a little grey kitten bought for me by my sister Kim.  Egads!  That is quite the list of special things.  I am very blessed.
I also think that word might have gotten out that I like cats. 

That is all for today,
Back I go to silkscreening!


  1. I have a blue Fed 5 that I bought on Ebay from the Ukraine. Love that camera! You should get your film developed and see how it looks. My photos from that camera always have a dreamy '70s look. Love that wall colour, too, Jenn!

  2. Love the set up! Also, I had a bottle of that white cat wine once... can't even remember what it tasted like. It's a Riesling, yea?
